If i was reviewing this as a stand alone game, i would say it was quite good, and probably give it and 8 or so. but this is thing-thing FOUR. the fourth one. so surely, it should be better than its predecessors? but no. I enjoyed all the thing things before this, and felt this one took a step back. it was very repetitive, the guns all seemed to do mostly the same thing, and all the waiting for the doors to open instead of just going from A to B, it was all very annoying.
And the health system?? I wouldn't have minded a bar or something like in the others, that maybe regenerated after a while. but just having the screen go red? and then just jumping about for 15 seconds for it to fade away? that doesn't really seem to be a very good health measure.
Basically, if i didn't know how capable of flash you were, i would think this as a good game mostly. but the fact that you have made other games in a series and have now made something worse than the original... its quite disappointing. I would say that the only good thing about this game over the others is the fact that its longer. At least, i think it is. It might just be the fact you have to wait forever for stuff to happen.
You're going in the wrong direction with this series. Go back to the way it was. 5/10